Friday, December 28, 2007

They're getting cuter

Zofia to Daddy: Daddy, you are a very clever boyyyyyyyy!

Maggie to Zofia (while being rolled upon): Zofia, don't do that. It's not nice, you're my friend!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why DO we say that?

In the car yesterday on the way to school, we pulled up next to a schoolbus.
I said, "Look girls, there's a schoolbus, and there are children on it." To which Maggie replied, "Not ON in Mommy, IN it!"

Thursday, November 29, 2007

School post

One for Maggie, one for Zofia...

Maggie's teacher was bragging on her yesterday. She was working with a puzzle, which is kept on a tray, with the pieces in a little basket. For about 15 minutes, she tried to carry the tray to her table to work, but the basket kept falling off. During the whole time, she didn't get frustrated, cry, or quit. Finally, she asked Ms. Vivian for help, saying, "Please can you help me with the puzzle?" Her teacher showed her how to carry the basket first, then go back for the tray. After finishing her work a few minutes later, Maggie remembered how to get the whole thing back on the shelf!

Zofia's teacher told me that today, on their way up to a "motor skills" class, Zofia said to her, "My mommy is going to have a baby. It's going to be a boy, but she has to talk to my daddy first." Hmmmm.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Me: Maggie, are you for real?
Maggie: No, I'm pretend!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Roger: Zofia, that bite (of oatmeal) is ginormous!
Z: No, Daddy. This bite is big. It's not ginormous, like your head.

Monday, October 01, 2007


This is Zofia & Maggie getting charged up for a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house (who moved here about a month ago for those who may not know yet), yipee!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

The first of a billion times

Last week at the Whole Foods pizza counter:
Zofia: Hi, I'm Zofia!
Pizza Guy: Hi, Sofia!
Z: No, not Sofia, ZOFIA! Z-O-F-I-A!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

coupla cute things

At PeiWei (Chinese resaurant) a couple of weeks ago we were all eating edamame and after a while Maggie said, "No, not eating edaMommy, eating edaMaggie!" 1st joke, people! At 17 months old!

A few days ago in the car Zofia said, "Look mommy they are driving in their sports car. They must be going to go play sports cause they have their sports bras."

Today in the car, Zofia was comparing two little twin girls in her dance class with a little girl in her class at school (they all have a similarly dark skin tone). I said that isn't it nice how people are all different and have different color hair and eyes and skin, and Zofia said that it was good because if people looked all alike, we wouldn't know who anyone was! Exactly!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Poland video!

I made this vid private, so if you can't see it, and want to, let me know...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A funny thing

So, not much time to blog. Maggi (sister) and I are just here in Warszawa for a few hours to see the doctor and so I will tell y'all a quick funny while I am uploading photos onto Flickr (click on the link to the right and choose 2007-07 to see the gigantic quantity of photos we have been taking).
Maggi was hanging out in the kitchen with Maggie and Zofia and they were talking about things they want. At one point Maggi said, "I want to go to a deserted island with Zofia". A few minutes later, Zofia asked Maggi, "when are we going to have dessert in Ireland?"

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Where does the time go?

So....holy cow, it's been a while since I put anything new in here (fill in your favorite excuse here). I just uploaded a whole truckload of new photos to Flickr over there -------------------------------------->
Also, here is Zofia's third year video. Enjoy! In case any of you didn't know, the three girls are leaving for Poland on Tuesday. Daddy will join us toward the end of the month, and we will all return on July 31st. See you when we get back.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reality Check

in the car on the way to school listening to a song... "Do you know the muffin man?"
Roger: Zofia, do you know the muffin man?
Z: It's only a song, daddy!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, you may have heard that Yahoo! Photos is shutting down later this summer. They will be transferring any photos to another photo site of my choosing, which I guess will be Flickr since I already have an account there. I decided to save myself a step and go ahead and start using Flickr again now. So, I have added a link to the Flickr site up there on the right. It now has all of the May photos on it, of which there are an inordinate amount. I've been going a bit nutty with the camera lately. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Finance 101

Zofia was whining about something yesterday...
Z: But I waaaaaant it. Mommy, I waaaaaaannnnnttttt it.
Me: Well, Zofia, I want a million dollars.
Z (after a long pause): Well, Mommy, that's a lot of money.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Consider yourself at home

Meet Oliver, who within 5 minutes of arriving in our kitchen had found the doggy bed, and put it to good use.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Stuff and Cuteness

Ok, first the stuff... These photos are for my sister, who was somewhat incredulous when I told her that some of the plants in my garden are dying from too much water. I suppose it is a bit hard to believe given the fact that the majority of plants that do die in my custody do so from lack of water rather than overabundance. Also, it seems that she found it hard to conceive of rain that came down so hard, so fast, that the ground is unable to absorb it in the 24-48 hours before the next storm. So, proof:

These pix were taken about an hour after a rain storm. Before the storm, the ground was damp, but not totally wet.

And now, the cutenes:

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh the cuteness is killing me!

Tonight the girls and I went to dinner with some friends at Chik-fil-a. They have a kids eat free deal on Tuesdays, with people making balloon animals and all kinds of chaos. First of all, never again. Way too many kids hopped up on high fructose corn syrup for my taste.
The girls had a whopping good time, however, despite the fact that they were only hopped up on milk and adrenaline. One of the attractions is a gigantic cow. That is, a man in a gigantic cow suit. Zofia was so excited about "Mr. Cow". She yelled "Mr. Cow, Mr. Cow!!!" every time he passed by our table, high-fived him and waved til her arms fell off. At one point after she had eaten all her chicken and we got her some more, Mr. Cow passes by and she yelled ecstatically, "Mr. Cow, Mr. Cow, I'm eating chicken!"
Here is a video from the last couple of weeks. You want cuteness? You can't handle the cuteness!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Our Girls



Tuesday, April 03, 2007

POOL! pix on Yahoo!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Few Words

I just put Maggie in her crib, and she is screaming her head off. I thought I would keep myself occupied to help me resist the urge to go get her and let her fall asleep in my arms. She has gotten a little spoiled in that regard for the last few nights because of a particularly awful bout of teething. There is a very large, very stubborn tooth way back on her lower gum that is just refusing to come out.
So, let me fill you all in on Maggie's vocabulary when she is not screaming. Here is a list of words Maggie currently says. Though many of these are not easily recognizable by anyone but the closest few, she is consistent in how and when she uses them. There are many more words she repeats, but these are the ones she uses spontaneously, in the order in which I remember them...
Zofia (sounds like Fvfvfvaaa)
Kitty-kitty-kitty (kdlrlrlr)
Up (ap, and if ignored the first time AAAAAAAPPPP)
Down (da)
Book (Brrr)
Balloon (boon)
Hi (haaaaiiiiii)
More (ma)
Broom (broo) - she just said this one today for the first time
Bread (bre)
Please (peee)
Teeth (teee) - today I ordered tea at Whole Foods and she started smiling and pointing to her teeth while saying "TEEEE!"
Bath (baaa)
Birdy (biby)
That is all I can think of for now. Bye-bye!

Monday, March 19, 2007


Here is Zofia last night around midnight. I told her to bundle up if she got cold...

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Here are some questions Zofia has asked us over the last few days. Please feel free to leave your answers under comments.
1. Is relish a liquid or a solid?
2. How about mustard?
3. How about ketchup?
4. How do you pour more milk back into your boobies?

Also, a couple of cute mis-pronunciations I hope to remember long after she learns the correct ways...
Picnit (picnic)
Prentzel (pretzel)

Trick or Treat

yesterday, after dinner, Zofia and Roger were talking. Roger told Zofia that he loves her...
Z: No you don't
R: Yes I do
Z: You can't love me. You can love Maggie and Mommy, but you can't love me.
R: I can't?
Z: If you smell my toes, then you can love me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mama said there'd be days like this...

Which, coincidentally, was the song Roger was just singing as I passed by the living room on my way from my bedroom, where I left (read, abandoned) my baby girl, who is even at this moment screaming bloody murder, amazingly in chorus with my older girl, who is in her own big girl bed in her own room screaming perhaps not-quite-as-bloody murder.
All you mommies who survived, please tell me it gets easier soon! Zofia did not take a nap today, and instead spent the hour and a half of "naptime" shredding two of her favorite books. In the few hours since I got her out of her room at 3pm, she has been exhausted and more than a little cranky, willful, floppy, and difficult. Up until recently Zofia didn't seem to realize that she could open her bedroom door at will. Thankfully, even now she doesn't come out, but stands at her door wailing for Mommy. She did this a few minutes after lights out, and when I put her back in bed she kept howling how, "I'mmmmmm not tiiiiiredddddddd!!!!!!!!!!" Right. Meanwhile, Maggie did take a lovely afternoon nap, but is teething and not responding seemingly at all to the orajel.
Yep, still tandem screaming. Cover me, I'm going in.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Strange Taste

Just now I was eating a bowl of ramen noodles; which I like to cook without the "flavor packet" and stir-fry with veggies; and Zofia asked me, "Mommy, are you eating rubber bands?"

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The journey of a thousand miles...

Maggie is officialy walking. On at least five separate occasions today, she took four, five, even six steps at a time! Look out world, here she comes.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Things I Haven't Blogged

1. Riding in the car, Zofia was telling us about how Agatha's Mommy helped her class do yoga. "Mommy, we beat the dog today" ?????? Why are the children abusing animals at school?!?!?!? Oh, I get it, you "be'd" the dog today. Apparently the kids were practicing a yoga posture known as "downward facing dog"

2. Zofia has an imaginary friend. Does anyone know if it's usual for a two and a half year old to have an imaginary friend? The friend's name is Baca. Here is what we know about Baca. Baca lives in her own house with her family, which is alternately her mommy and daddy, or her children (sometimes named Eskin and SoWo). Baca is apparenly reeeeeaaaaalllly small, and Zofia sometimes carries her around in her hand. Baca has a friend named Teeshi. Baca often does whatever Zofia is doing, but in a parallel universe. For example one afternoon last week during "the freeze" Roger, the girls and I had a dance party, and Baca was simultaneously having her own dance party at "her house". Also, Baca often gets to decide what Zofia wears: "Zofia, do you want to wear a diaper, or a pull-up?" "A diaper, cuz Baca says no pull-up".

3. Apropos pull-ups, still no progress on the potty training front. Yesterday, Zofia sat on all three of the potties in her bathroom alternately for about 45 minutes after having drank two full sippy cups of juice. After deciding she was done, she stood on her stool to wash her hands and guess what happened.

4. Maggie is almost, but still not quite, walking. She can push her hippo walker around with no problem and has taken a step or two between people and/or furniture. She still has no hair. Send Rogaine.

5. While counting money at the church the other day, the lady helping me count (Miss Elvina) told Zofia that she was beautiful and Zofia said, "You are beautiful, too."

That is all I can think of for now. I resolve to blog more often.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Plus....lots of new pix on Yahoo!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

News you can use

well...not really, but news of a sort. Samantha says (and she has witnesses) that Maggie walked on Sunday. I say that taking 1 (one) single solitary step does not count as walking, and besides, it obviously doesn't count as walking if the Mommy is not there to see it, right? So, stay could happen at any moment. In the meantime, here is December, or at least a small snippet.