Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Few Words

I just put Maggie in her crib, and she is screaming her head off. I thought I would keep myself occupied to help me resist the urge to go get her and let her fall asleep in my arms. She has gotten a little spoiled in that regard for the last few nights because of a particularly awful bout of teething. There is a very large, very stubborn tooth way back on her lower gum that is just refusing to come out.
So, let me fill you all in on Maggie's vocabulary when she is not screaming. Here is a list of words Maggie currently says. Though many of these are not easily recognizable by anyone but the closest few, she is consistent in how and when she uses them. There are many more words she repeats, but these are the ones she uses spontaneously, in the order in which I remember them...
Zofia (sounds like Fvfvfvaaa)
Kitty-kitty-kitty (kdlrlrlr)
Up (ap, and if ignored the first time AAAAAAAPPPP)
Down (da)
Book (Brrr)
Balloon (boon)
Hi (haaaaiiiiii)
More (ma)
Broom (broo) - she just said this one today for the first time
Bread (bre)
Please (peee)
Teeth (teee) - today I ordered tea at Whole Foods and she started smiling and pointing to her teeth while saying "TEEEE!"
Bath (baaa)
Birdy (biby)
That is all I can think of for now. Bye-bye!

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