Monday, June 26, 2006

Who's Who...

If you guessed Maggie on top and Zofia on the were right!

In other news, last night Zofia had a high fever and woke up around 11:30pm crying. After giving her some Advil and a warm shower, the three of us sat up in bed until she got dry and sleepy. We watched Iron Chef America and Roger said, "look, that man is cooking just like Mommy, and just like Zofia" (she "helps" me cook almost every day). Zofia said, "No Daddy, I'm too little to cook dinner."

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Who's Who?

Which baby is Maggie and which is Zofia? Post your guess under comments...

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Darndest Things

This morning on the drive to school:
Zofia: I went up the ladder and down the slide, but Maggie didn't go up the ladder and down the slide.
Agi: Why not?
Z: Because Maggie's too little!
A: But when Maggie grows bigger she will go up the ladder and down the slide too.
Z: Maggie is gonna get bigger.
A: Yes, just like Zofia is growing bigger.
Z: Maggie is growing bigger, and Zofia is growing bigger, and Daddy is all big.

This afternoon on the drive home:
Z: (looking at the keys in the ignition) Those are Mommy's keys.
A: Yes, these are Mommy's keys.
Z: No, those are Daddy's keys.
A: These are Daddy's keys?!
Z: Ya, Mommy stole them.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Festivus for the restuvus

Sunday was the last day of the Texas Folklife Festival here in San Antonio. It's a festival where many ethnic groups set up food booths, perform music and dances and generally share their culture. We were explaining to Zofia that we were going to go to a festival where there would be music and dancing and food, etc. A little while later, we asked her if she was ready to go to the festival. She said, "Nooooooo! I want to go to the VEGTABLE!!"
We had a great time at the vegtable.

New video

Sunday, June 11, 2006


...laughed out loud for the first time today!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Zofia's recital video (finally!)

Here is the video from Zofia's end-of-year school recital. I had to cut it up into two parts. The original was 13 minutes and Youtube will only let you post up to ten minutes. Hope you enjoy it.