Wednesday, September 05, 2007

coupla cute things

At PeiWei (Chinese resaurant) a couple of weeks ago we were all eating edamame and after a while Maggie said, "No, not eating edaMommy, eating edaMaggie!" 1st joke, people! At 17 months old!

A few days ago in the car Zofia said, "Look mommy they are driving in their sports car. They must be going to go play sports cause they have their sports bras."

Today in the car, Zofia was comparing two little twin girls in her dance class with a little girl in her class at school (they all have a similarly dark skin tone). I said that isn't it nice how people are all different and have different color hair and eyes and skin, and Zofia said that it was good because if people looked all alike, we wouldn't know who anyone was! Exactly!

1 comment:

aleciag said...

Agi - You have the cutest and smartest kids.