Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hanging in there

It's been a while since my last post. I've been feeling rather poopy for the last couple of weeks. In case you've been out of touch with us lately, here is why...

So, I think I'm starting to come out of the woods. The last two weeks have been tough. All I've wanted to do is sleep; I'm nauseous on and off all day, I'm ravenously hungry, even five minutes after a big meal. I felt just like this when I was carrying Zofia, only then I actually could sleep all day. Poor Zofia has been watching way too much TV! Roger has been great. He has been taking her off my hands for chunks of time so I can sleep. But today I feel better. Very little nausea, and a good amount of energy. Yipee!
We all went to Sea World this morning and had a great time. We saw a couple of shows and went to the water park area. We totally pooped Zofia out. She actually fell asleep in her stroller, which she never does, and when we got home she took a two hour nap. That meant I got to take a two hour nap too! Yipee! Roger tried also, but couldn't fall asleep, but two out of three ain't bad!
Ok, that's it for now. I'll try to post again soon...

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