Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Get back to work!

I was called out yesterday by Zofia, who told me in no uncertain terms that I'd better get back to blogging on a regular basis, because when Kaykay gets bigger and there are no blog posts about her as a baby, she will be very sad. Wow. So...I resolve to blog on a regular basis and to keep track of milestones and cutenesses of all three girls!
I realized when we were looking at old blog posts that Zofia was "sleep trained" at 10 months old. I can't find any blog references to Maggie sleep training, but Kaykay is now 13 months old and still not sleeping through the night. Tough nights a-comin' people!
Here is some stuff Kaykay does these days:
She knows her toes, nose, belly button and hair. When you say hair she grabs hers and says something that sounds like, "AOWWW". So cute.
She loves to give kisses and has evolved from usually open mouthed tooth kisses to puckering up and sticking her chin out and saying, "mmmmm".
She still loves to be upside down.
She stands up by herself and the word is that she took a few steps to Grandpa at their house the other night.

In other news, the big girls are attending science camp every afternoon this week and the first day went well. They made bug catchers and dissected owl poop!

Continued on Tuesday - Today the girls learned about chemistry! In the car on the way home Zofia explained  the difference between a physical reaction and a chemical reaction. Loving this camp!

That's all for today!


Potter Family (Garncarze) said...

Wow, that was a very cute post! I'm sure KayKay will appreciate it :)
And wow! Owl poop!!! who woulda thunk it

Connie said...

You are so right, Zofia!! Glad you told your mommy to blog more. Hurray!
xo Connie