Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sisterly Love

Maggie almost never cries. The exception is when she is really tired and can't fall asleep. I have spoiled her to the point where she can't easily fall asleep except when nursing, so sometimes in the car she really gets upset because she's tired and can't figure out how to get to sleep. This was the case tonight on the way home from dinner. During the 20 minute drive, Maggie cried or screamed for about 18 minutes. Even more heartbreaking than hearing Maggie cry, was hearing Zofia try to console her. Here is a list of things Zofia said the whole way home.

Don't cry Maggie.
It's ok Maggie.
I think Maggie is hungry Mommy.
Mommy will feed you when we get home Maggie.
Maggie is hungry in the car Mommy.
It's gonna be ok Maggie.
Maggie is just screaming Mommy.
What are you screaming about Maggie?
Stop Maggie.
You have to feed Maggie when we get home Mommy.

Some of these things she said more than once in rotation. While reading the list, keep in mind that Zofia can't really say her R's, so cry sounds like cwy; and she can't really pronounce TH, so think sounds like sink.

Then after we got home Lala took Maggie while I got Zofia ready for bed. She found Maggie's teething ring and ran to give it to her, but Lala and Maggie were not on the couch where I told her they'd be. She ran back to the bedroom and said, "I can't find them Mommy! Help me find them!"

Also in this category, the other day Zofia was playing with a Pocahontas doll that she got from our friend Lemira. Pocahontas is somewhat anatomically correct, at least on top, and Zofia had stripped her "naked-nudie". After a few minutes she said, "Can I have my sister? I want to feed my sister."
I brought Maggie over, not really getting where she was going with this. I put Maggie down in Zofia's lap (Lala was sitting right next to Zof) and Zofia put Pocahontas' boobie in Maggie's mouth!!! Then she said, "Is that good Maggie? Yeah, that's good!" Meanwhile, Maggie giggled as if she got the joke.

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