Monday, June 19, 2006

The Darndest Things

This morning on the drive to school:
Zofia: I went up the ladder and down the slide, but Maggie didn't go up the ladder and down the slide.
Agi: Why not?
Z: Because Maggie's too little!
A: But when Maggie grows bigger she will go up the ladder and down the slide too.
Z: Maggie is gonna get bigger.
A: Yes, just like Zofia is growing bigger.
Z: Maggie is growing bigger, and Zofia is growing bigger, and Daddy is all big.

This afternoon on the drive home:
Z: (looking at the keys in the ignition) Those are Mommy's keys.
A: Yes, these are Mommy's keys.
Z: No, those are Daddy's keys.
A: These are Daddy's keys?!
Z: Ya, Mommy stole them.

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