Saturday, April 30, 2005

It's been a hard day's night

Zofia is such a generous baby. She felt she really couldn't keep all this wonderful illness to herself, so she gave her cold to me and to Roger. We have been going through various stages of sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so you can't rest and I can't take any medicine (still breastfeeding). I am starting to feel much better as of today but Roger's progression is about two days behind mine.

On Wednesday afternoon (coincidentally the low point for my cold), our good friends Jessica and Mike went into labor with their second baby. Their first daughter, Anna, who is 17 months old, came to stay the night with us. Zofia's first slumber party! Actually, the girls were both amazingly easy on poor poor pitiful me, and my friend Sam came over after she got off of work to help me bathe them and get them to bed. What a God-send!

Anna usually doesn't go to bed until at least 10pm, which had me a little terrified, sick as I was, but thankfully she had missed her afternoon nap for all of the excitement, and so she conked out at eight o'clock. Whew!

Jessica gave birth to Catherine just before 11pm on Wednesday and Grandma and Grandpa came to pick up Anna on Thursday afternoon after driving through the night. On Thursday evening Roger, Zofia and I went to the hospital at Lackland AFB to see the new baby. She is so tiny it is hard to believe the Zofia was ever that small! Makes me almost ready for another one. Hold it, hold it...I said ALMOST!

In other news, Zofia now has four teeth! Here she is brushing them:

And we have started to teach her sign language. We are trying to consistently make the signs for eat, drink, more, and milk. So far, she seems to have started getting the hang of the milk sign, which she makes sort of randomly. She seems to know what it means though, cuz she gets really excited when we make the sign to her just before nursing.

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