Monday, March 22, 2010

Tomatoes 2010

I forgot to take a picture of stage 1, but here is a picture of stage 2; after I transplanted the 'maters from the tiny little containers they came in to bigger containers to "harden them off" before planting in their permanent homes. Our tomato guy, Keith from Heirloom Tomatoes of Texas had a really bad season, so the tiny little plants you see are his; while the bigger plants are ones he bought from other growers.
I'm determined to be really organized this season and keep a journal of what I'm doing, what is working and what is not, and which plants are doing well...
We'll see how it goes!


LLT said...

don't forget the basil. Say, can you grow olive oil? That would be perfect.

Connie said...

save one for me!!
