Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reality Check

in the car on the way to school listening to a song... "Do you know the muffin man?"
Roger: Zofia, do you know the muffin man?
Z: It's only a song, daddy!

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, you may have heard that Yahoo! Photos is shutting down later this summer. They will be transferring any photos to another photo site of my choosing, which I guess will be Flickr since I already have an account there. I decided to save myself a step and go ahead and start using Flickr again now. So, I have added a link to the Flickr site up there on the right. It now has all of the May photos on it, of which there are an inordinate amount. I've been going a bit nutty with the camera lately. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Finance 101

Zofia was whining about something yesterday...
Z: But I waaaaaant it. Mommy, I waaaaaaannnnnttttt it.
Me: Well, Zofia, I want a million dollars.
Z (after a long pause): Well, Mommy, that's a lot of money.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Consider yourself at home

Meet Oliver, who within 5 minutes of arriving in our kitchen had found the doggy bed, and put it to good use.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Stuff and Cuteness

Ok, first the stuff... These photos are for my sister, who was somewhat incredulous when I told her that some of the plants in my garden are dying from too much water. I suppose it is a bit hard to believe given the fact that the majority of plants that do die in my custody do so from lack of water rather than overabundance. Also, it seems that she found it hard to conceive of rain that came down so hard, so fast, that the ground is unable to absorb it in the 24-48 hours before the next storm. So, proof:

These pix were taken about an hour after a rain storm. Before the storm, the ground was damp, but not totally wet.

And now, the cutenes:

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh the cuteness is killing me!

Tonight the girls and I went to dinner with some friends at Chik-fil-a. They have a kids eat free deal on Tuesdays, with people making balloon animals and all kinds of chaos. First of all, never again. Way too many kids hopped up on high fructose corn syrup for my taste.
The girls had a whopping good time, however, despite the fact that they were only hopped up on milk and adrenaline. One of the attractions is a gigantic cow. That is, a man in a gigantic cow suit. Zofia was so excited about "Mr. Cow". She yelled "Mr. Cow, Mr. Cow!!!" every time he passed by our table, high-fived him and waved til her arms fell off. At one point after she had eaten all her chicken and we got her some more, Mr. Cow passes by and she yelled ecstatically, "Mr. Cow, Mr. Cow, I'm eating chicken!"
Here is a video from the last couple of weeks. You want cuteness? You can't handle the cuteness!